You will be able to see progress here!
Version Format
v0.0.1 ALPHA
-Added Unicorns
Added color variation pearl, pink, chiffon, sky, lapis, purple
Added mane variation pure, night, joy, cloud, grass, rose, sunset, angelic, rainbow
-Added Garden Salad for testing
v0.0.2 ALPHA
-Unicorn Changes
Corrected unicorn hitbox
Unicorns no longer die from fall damage
-Removed Garden Salad
v0.0.3 ALPHA
-Unicorn Changes
Renamed pink, purple and lapis base colors into rose, lavender, and royal respectively
Removed sky base color
Removed existing mane colors
Added mane color cloud, cream, rose, rainbow
Added turquoise base color
Unicorns now glow in the dark
Unicorns can no longer be bred